We've been back to school for a week now and its just hit me this is the beginning of the end. This will be my last year at school and as if that prospect wasn't scary enough; I'm not even sure what I want to do once I go.
At the moment the whole future thing seems really daunting. Is it just me or is this super big, life-dictating decision fairly difficult to make when you're a 16 year old who enjoys nothing more than obsessing over Thomas The Tank Engine, strawberry tarts and Wall-E?
Course it is. Everyone around me appears to have their idea or their plan or their career that they've always wanted ever since they were 5. Whereas I simply don't. At 5 I'm pretty sure I wanted to be a turtle and my career ideas have changed from week to week ever since. They're still changing right now.
At the start of this blog I wanted to be an Art teacher, I no longer have this inkling.
English teacher? That’s faded.
Journalist? I'd like that but probably not.
Paramedic? Good feelings gone.
I don’t specifically want to *be* anything, and I know that probably sounds odd of me but I cant help it, I am odd and making decisions has never been my thing- especially when its big important ones such as this. Though I am hoping that all this confusion and thinking will be worth it and that one day I’ll wake up and say, “OH THAT’S IT! I’M GOING TO BE A ______”
Pfft, who am I kidding.
Does anyone know how long it takes to become a professional turtle?
Friday, 22 August 2008
Decisions, decisions.
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Forty-two and a half years.
Bring it on. :D
How amazing it would be to be a turtle. Turtles are so awesome, I imagine it would be very fun. We could plod to Alaska and then Plod some more. Oh, to be a Turtle
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