Whose stolen my sun?! The past few weeks have been gloriously bright and warm but as soon as I even thought of the word Barbecue the skies darkened and the heavens opened. Oh yes, its raining and has been since this afternoon. Sigh. Things better brighten up for Saturday. I'm just hoping that the marquee Dad and I put up in the garden holds. Seriously, you have not encountered problems until you try and build a marquee without instructions. The suggested number of constructors is 4, the actual number needed should be 16 and even then there would be more poles than hands.
There's a BBQ going on on Saturday you see. The exams are just about all over now for us and I don't know about everyone else, but I'm tired and in need of a change, so Saturday is looking to be a rather nice break. Provided the weather improves, I don't set myself on fire whilst lighting the BBQ and everyone gets here, of course.
In other news, my new 6th Year timetable (of three days) is already annoying me. The school is currently upside down due to builders taking over half of the Street so they can build the new blocks, so classrooms and their teachers have been shifted all over the place. As if this wasn't as confusing enough (trust me, there is nothing worse than turning up at a classroom to find no one there) the school has decided to rename all the rooms so even if I knew where I should be, I've no idea where it is. I hate that feeling, I'm a wee bit OCD on the matter.
Added to that my registration class is on the other side of the school grounds, furthest away from everywhere so I'm late for just about every class first thing. My art teacher has no faith in me. Someones lost the entire subject of RME. My Admin teacher appears to think the whole class is a bit simple - yesterday we learned how to type. With a touch-typing speed of 63 words a minute, it's driving me batty. Fair excited about tomorrow though, guess what we get to learn? How to put a table into a word document! Oh yes, the excitement is almost too much to bear...
Well ne'er heid. Roll on Saturday, and roll on summer.
Wednesday, 4 June 2008
Never mind my thunder..
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Mrs S is a bit confused, she seems to think that we are first years. :D
Tis T-minus 1 day to the BBQ and the skies are once again glorious :D. Methinks we are in luck, it shall be awesome!
Your such a show off. Evrything in your blog is about you you you. Ever thought of anyone else?
And whats this 'fair excited' meant to mean?
To the above comment.
Unless you have been living in a cave for the past few years, a blog is primarily used as an online diary. Meaning that the owner writes primarily about things that concern themselves.
Anonymous comments show a distinct lack of courage, intelligence and willingness to participate.....
Jemma's blog is required reading for lots of teachers so we can get the inside scopp on what you young people are plotting prior to taking over the world from us! 8-) Keep going Jemma!
scopp? scoop!
Very true Sir! Thank you for the encouragement, it is nice to know how much my blog is read. :)
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