Monday 14 April 2008

Possibly the Cutest Photo On This Blog.

Filler post here guys, just so you don't think I've gone and run off. Just a photograph today, I'm too tired/busy/snowed-under-with-revision to finish a cartoon I'm doing. Will post it when I can. Toodle pip for naoo.


Liz O'Neill said...

Sweet! Hope the revision is going okay Jemma - thinking about you guys as you get closer to the -don't mention them - exams...

Jemma said...

Thanks! Revision is going okay I guess, still narsty though! It is really rather scary that I'm not totally ready and they are only 4 weeks away - which means there is precisely 2 419 200 seconds to go til the English examio. Well, 2 419 193 now... 2 419 189...

I'll stop now because I will become obsessive.. XD